• Gaurav Goyal, MD

    Hematology & Oncology
    2000 6th Ave S
    The University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Medicine
    Birmingham, AL 35233

  • Ron Go, MD

    Division of Hematology, Department of Internal Medicine
    200 1st St SW
    Mayo Clinic
    Rochester, MN 55905

  • Oshrat Rokah, PhD

    Molecular Research Laboratory
    Assuta Medical Center
    HaBarzel St 20
    Tel-Aviv, Israel

  • Paul Hendrie, MD, PhD

    Hematology and Oncology
    825 Eastlake Ave E
    Mailstop: CE3-300
    Seattle, WA 98109

  • Lorenzo Dagna, MD

    Unit of Clinical Immunopathology and Adv. Medical Therapeutics
    San Raffaele Scientific Institute
    Via Olgettina 60
    20132 Milan, Italy

    Lorenzo Dagna, MD
    Unit of Clinical Immunopathology and Adv. Medical Therapeutics
    San Raffaele Scientific Institute
    Via Olgettina 60
    20132 Milan, Italy

  • Eli L. Diamond, MD

    Department of Neurology
    Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
    1275 York Avenue, Box 52
    New York, NY 10065 USA

    Eli L. Diamond, MD
    Department of Neurology
    Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
    1275 York Avenue, Box 52
    New York, NY 10065 USA

  • Juvianee Estrada-Veras, MD

    Medical Biochemical Genetics
    National Institutes of Health/National Human Genome Research Institute
    10 Center Drive, Bldg 10, CRC- Room 3-2551
    Bethesda, MD 20892-1851 USA

    Dr. Estrada-Veras also serves on the ECDGA Board of Directors. He leadership on the Natural History Study for Erdheim-Chester Disease has led to an important and in-depth understanding of ECD.

  • Julien Haroche, MD, PhD

    Service de Médecine Interne (PrAmoura)Groupe
    Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière
    47-83 Bd de l’Hôpital
    75651 PARIS Cedex 13

    Julien Haroche, MD, PhD
    Service de Médecine Interne (PrAmoura)Groupe
    Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière
    47-83 Bd de l’Hôpital
    75651 PARIS Cedex 13

  • Razelle Kurzrock, MD, FACP

    Chief Medical Officer, Chair, Clinical Trials Committee 
    Worldwide Innovative Network (WIN) for Personalized Cancer Therapy
    California, USA

    Chief Medical Officer, Chair, Clinical Trials Committee 
    Worldwide Innovative Network (WIN) for Personalized Cancer Therapy 
    California, USA

  • Augusto Vaglio, MD

    AOU Meyer 
    Via G. Pieraccini 24  
    Firenze, ITALY 

    Augusto Vaglio, MD
    AOU Meyer 
    Location: Via G. Pieraccini 24  
    Firenze, ITALY 

Last updated: January 7, 2021

Contact Us

  • ECD Global Alliance, P.O. Box 775,
    DeRidder, LA 70634 USA

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