By Giuseppe De Simone



The Livermore Centennial light, a light bulb burning since 1901

In these difficult days, we need the energy to deal with coronavirus. So now I’m going to talk about energy.

At school, I learned that electrical energy arises from the electric potential difference between positive and negative charges.

In the months of March and April 2020, I discovered a new type of potential difference that gave me the energy to face the lockdown in Italy and in my town Carovigno, in southern Italy.

This potential difference is made up of 3 elements.

I element: boys and girls (16-19 years old)

February 29 was the “Rare Disease Day” and I drew “my wall” to represent my isolation caused by Erdheim-Chester. Four days later, something happened on March 4 that led me to get out of isolation: I was called as a substitute teacher (I teach philosophy and history in high school) in a nearby town called Oria. I did two days of lessons and then on March 6th, all the schools in Italy were closed. The lockdown had begun.

The Italian school system suddenly had to reconvert to distance learning. It was not easy. I had to understand how to communicate with students and how to hold a distance lesson (with Skype), but above all, I had to understand how to create a relationship with kids I had never seen.

However, the boys, even in this “strange” moment, did not let themselves go they were punctual to the video lessons and punctual in the delivery of the homework. I believe this is due to the fact that they are eager to enter the world of adults to have their say and propose their solutions.

They are tenacious and impatient to face the future: this has given me a lot of positivity.

On March 31, my substitution ended.

II element: children (10-12 years old)

After the video-lessons made at school with Skype, I realized that even if we are closed at home, we are closer than ever: thanks to technology, distances are reduced to zero. So, I started making a video-call a week with two American friends (Joe Lofaro from Tennessee and Miguel Kaline from Florida) and I also made a video call with other Italian Erdheim-Chester patients.

So, I thought about a new activity with the children of my town, Carovigno: we created a podcast together (it’s called Tele-podcast, as it is a remote podcast). In groups of three, they interviewed adults, using their smartphones.

They are 10-12-year-old children and they are curious to discover the world and try new things. Their enthusiasm and curiosity also gave me positivity.

III element: Pasquale (92 years old)

But let’s go back to the energy I was talking about at the beginning.

You will think that my energy for the months of March and April 2020 comes from the boys and children I spoke of. No, their curiosity and tenacity gave me hope, but it is not yet energy because it is not enough to create a potential difference.

A third element is missing: my grandfather Pasquale. He is 92 years old and lives near my house. When I talk to him, he always tells about his father who emigrated to America in 1913 and then returned 7 years later.

During the last two months, he often tells me that when he was a child his mother told him that “during the Spanish flu pandemic there were so many deaths in Carovigno that they were taken directly to the cemetery without even going to the churches for the funeral rite”.

Every time I talk to my grandfather, I understand that I am not the most wretched in history and that humanity has already overcome very difficult tests in the past, such as the “Spanish flu” during the First World War.

Age-potential-difference (Old-Young): my source of energy

Here, now there are all the elements.

The new source of energy that I discovered in these 2 difficult months stems from a potential difference, like electricity, but it’s a peculiar one: age-potential-difference.

If we put together the combative vision and the curiosity of the boys and children that I have known during April and March 2020 with the serene vision of the past of my grandfather Pasquale, a current of energy is created that has allowed me to face these two difficult months.

Of course, I am very worried (like everyone else) about the future.

But if what I said so far is true … then let’s consider this: I feel 100 years in the body (because of Erdheim-Chester), but I’m 35 in the mind (this is my real age).

100-35 = 65.

I can produce energy equal to a 65-year age-potential-difference.

I hope it is enough for me.

Ciao a tutti.

Giuseppe De Simone


I believe that we are all a “source of energy” if we find within us an age potential difference between a young part (curious and tenacious) and an old part (wise, who has already overcome difficulties).

In my grandfather’s house we have 6 saplings and some tomato seedlings. We hope the lock down ends soon so that we can plant them in the countryside.

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